Saturday, January 1

New Year's Day 1/365

Hi all, for the first time I am doing a new year's day post! :D

In sydney, new year's eve is always celebrated in a big way with fireworks (invented in china and probably made in china too) and for the first time, it was broadcasted in china on CCTV. Well I watched it on a big screen teevee down at the local club.

Good thing this year, new year's day is on a saturday, so I get monday off as well. So 2 more days of pure lazing around. My current downloads today are the new season 4 of Californication and Year End Hot 100 billboard hits, you can find them on and on both are websites I frequent for getting direct download links. My internet connection here at work doesn't allow torrent downloading. Gotta wait for next year after I move to better lodgings and get unlimited internet access before I can start crazy bittorrenting again.

In the meantime, I will just be watching my zucchini, spring onion and herb patches grow in the backyard garden. Enjoy the New Year everyone!!!

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